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Hi, I'm Will


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Hi Folks!

I’m Will Stapp and I believe in Civic Duty and Public Service. I first came to Fairbanks in 2006 after I enlisted in the U.S. Army as an Airborne Infantry soldier during the height of the Iraq war. I was stationed in Alaska at Ft. Wainwright for my first duty station and volunteered to serve two combat tours in Iraq, one of which I was wounded and awarded the Purple Heart. Professionally, I have worked as an Insurance Agent in employee benefits over the last 10 years assisting hundreds of local small and large businesses across our wonderful state. For the last two years I have served as the State Representative for Alaska House District 32. My most important job is raising three beautiful children just outside the Golden Heart City. Amelia (6), Abigail (3) and Atlas (1)

I have been an active community member as a Rotarian, Chamber of Commerce, volunteer for various organizations throughout our community.

Service Above Self

I have been a member of various organizations that work to help make our community better.

-The Military Order of the Purple Heart

(Purple Heart Recipient)

-The Rotary Club of Fairbanks, Sunrisers

(Sergeant at Arms, Board Member)

-Past President, UAF History Honors Society.

(Phi Alpha Theta)

-The 509th Parachute Infantry Association

(Combat Veteran)

-Past- Guy’s Read and Gal’s Read

( Reader)

-The Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce



Why am I Running?

Vision Meets Opportunity

Our community faces difficult challenges. I believe that through due diligence, hard work, and above all listening to one another we can move Fairbanks forward. 


I am a Republican and  Fiscal Conservative.


   I am Pro-Development

   I am Pro-Business


   I am Pro-Life


Above all, I am a true believer in our town and it’s potential. Alaska is in a tough spot and Fairbanks faces many challenges. My life experience has taught me to be an eternal optimist and I fundamentally believe that through the pursuit of sound policy, innovation, and due diligence, we can put Fairbanks back on the right track.

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Paid for by Will Stapp for Alaska

PO.BOX 71555

Fairbanks AK 99707

The military information and photographs on this website do not imply endorsement by the Department of Defense or the United States Army.


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